I enjoyed discussing Medical Gaslighting with Molly O'Brien! It's such an important topic. Thanks for having me!
I was interviewed by The U.S. Pain Foundation for their INvisible Project, Disparities (3rd Edition) on the topic of #MedicalGaslighting.
Check it out here: https://invisibleproject.org/medical-gaslighting-the-devastating-effects-of-being-told-your-symptoms-are-not-valid/
Want me to come to your...
Image alt text: large green font says ghp. blue font says Global Health & Pharma
Thank you Global Health & Pharma for awarding me with "Best Medical Gaslighting Trainer (Midwest USA): Dr. Melissa Geraghty, Psy.D."
#MentalHealthAwards2023 #MentalHealth #Healthcare #MedicalGaslighting...
Medical Gaslighting: How to Spot it & What to Do About it.
Dr. Geraghty was interviewed for Mind Over Matter Magazine by the Women’s Brain Health Initiative (Volume 16).
Could You Be a Victim of 'Self-Gaslighting'? 5 Signs of the Subtle Form of Self-Sabotage and How To Stop, According to Experts
Original link: https://parade.com/living/self-gaslighting
It seems like only yesterday that "gaslighting" seeped into our lexicons, but now a new term is emerging:...
Thank you, Jenn Heater for taking the time to interview me on a topic that is so near and dear to my heart!
#mham #mham2022 ...
“When people think of eating disorders, the image is often of an emaciated, white teenage girl in the hospital hooked up to feeding tubes. In fact, eating disorders are varied in how they present in a person, and they certainly do not ‘look’ a certain way.
Eating disorders...
Heads UP - Episode 126: Migraine Medication Failures
National Headache Foundation
"Have you had a migraine medication fail you? Or have multiple migraine medications failed you? How did it make you feel? In this episode of Heads UP Lindsay Weitzel, Ph.D. talks to Melissa Geraghty Psy.D. about...
National Headache Foundation
Heads UP - Episode 123: Medical Gaslighting
"What is Medical Gaslighting? If you have migraine or another chronic pain condition, chances are you have experienced medical gaslighting. Medical gaslighting can result in a form of medical trauma, and it can alter the...