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May 2024: Dr. G's Corner chronic pain mental health May 02, 2024

Last night, Dr. G's Corner delved into the intersection of anxiety and chronic pain, exploring whether anxiety can manifest physical symptoms.


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Dr. G's Corner: The first Wednesday of Every Month, Live at 5pm CT/6pm ET chronic pain mental health Dec 18, 2023

Do you have questions regarding mental health and pain? Well, we have you covered: Just ask Dr. G!

On the first Wednesday of every month, at 5pm CT/6pm ET, Dr. Geraghty will host Dr. G's Corner. Each monthly Facebook Live will address a different one of your pre-submitted questions.

Have a que...

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"Best Medical Gaslighting Trainer (Midwest USA): Dr. Melissa Geraghty, Psy.D." healthcare medicalgaslighting mental health psychologist May 23, 2023

Image alt text: large green font says ghp. blue font says Global Health & Pharma

Thank you Global Health & Pharma for awarding me with "Best Medical Gaslighting Trainer (Midwest USA): Dr. Melissa Geraghty, Psy.D."

#MentalHealthAwards2023 #MentalHealth #Healthcare #MedicalGaslighting #Psychologis...

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"Medical Gaslighting: How to Spot it & What to Do About it." Interviewed for Mind Over Matter Magazine. medicalgaslighting mental health Apr 29, 2023

Medical Gaslighting: How to Spot it & What to Do About it.

Dr. Geraghty was interviewed for Mind Over Matter Magazine by the Women’s Brain Health Initiative (Volume 16).


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Waiting room etiquette. chronic illness chronic pain mental health rare disease Mar 03, 2023

Get ready for a giant post on waiting room etiquette!

I've had many medical appts this past month. Here's what not to do in the waiting room.

1. Leave your sh*t at the door. No one wants to hear you arguing as a couple. We are not an audience on The Jerry Springer Show.

2. Use your inside voice. ...

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I'll be okay. Just not today. chronic illness chronic pain mental health rare disease Feb 16, 2023

Alt text: Picture of Dr. G with back to camera, standing in front of an ocean. Middle finger extended in defiance of chronic pain. Text overlay says "I'll be okay. Just not today."

I've been having a particularly difficult week, medically. Truth be told, it's been a bad few years.

It's okay to ...

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When would you like me to host the next Empowered Relief™ class? chronic illness chronic migraine chronic pain empowered relief mental health rare disease Jan 29, 2023
Image Alt Text: Empowered Relief Testimonial: "The binaural audio alone was worth the class. I loved it! And for everyone who can't see a pain therapist weekly, the class gets right to the heart of what they can work on to deal with their pain."

As someone with multiple chronic pain conditions as w...

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It's okay to take a break. mental health Sep 21, 2022

Hustle culture can make us feel like we can't take a break. That if we take a break, we will fall behind.

Let's take a moment to remind ourselves that our brains (and bodies) do need breaks from the constant go go GO!

Even the shortest of breaks can be restorative, can reinvigorate your creativi...

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LIVE Event! September 26th at 1pm Central Time. chronic illness chronic pain empowered relief mental health psychologist rare disease Sep 13, 2022

Empowered Relief™ is an evidence-based, single-session pain class that rapidly equips patients with pain management skills. It was developed at Stanford University.

Here's how you will benefit:

  1. You will learn about the science of pain and what you can do to help yourself.
  2. You will gain skills...
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Join me Monday, September 26th at 1pm Central Time for Empowered Relief™ chronic pain empowered relief mental health psychologist Sep 12, 2022

Join me Monday, September 26th at 1pm Central Time.

Please allot for ~2 hours and 15 minutes for this Zoom class.


Empowered Relief™ is an evidence-based, single-session pain class that rapidly equips patients with pain management skills. It was developed at Stanford Uni...

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Event: Empowered Relief™ (09.26.22) chronic pain chronicillness empowered relief mental health psychologist rare disease Sep 09, 2022

Event: Empowered Relief™

Where: Zoom

When: 09.26.22 at 1pm Central Time

Registration: https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/store


Empowered Relief™ is an evidence-based, single-session pain class that rapidly equips patients with pain management skills. It was develope...

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Parents: The Ultimate Eating Disorders Bootcamp for Parents runs on your time. Listen between meetings, at the gym, or during your commute. You are not alone. eating disorders mental health parenting program psychologist Aug 17, 2022

Parents: We know what it feels like to start each day feeling overwhelmed. You feel you don’t know how to support your adolescent or young adult with an eating disorder or who to turn to.
In case no one has told you yet, you don’t have to do this alone.
Learn about eating...
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Dr. Melissa Geraghty is a Certified Empowered Relief™ Instructor. chronic illness chronic migraine chronic pain empowered relief mental health rare disease Aug 08, 2022

I am excited to offer Empowered Relief™ classes!

Empowered Relief™ is an evidence-based, single-session pain class that rapidly equips patients with pain management skills. It was developed at Stanford University.

Here's how you will benefit:

  1. You will learn about the science of pain and wha...
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I am quoted in Oprah Daily on the topic of positive affirmations. mental health Jul 31, 2022

🎙 I am quoted in Oprah Daily on the topic of positive affirmations.

💄 I find that "lipstick on the mirror"/toxic positivity self-talk to be unhelpful. These types of statements can indeed make someone feel worse because they don't feel genuine.

🙋🏽‍♀️ One thing that can be helpful is if you can ask you...

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Mindfulness Recordings by Dr. Melissa Geraghty. mental health mindfulness Jul 08, 2022

🎧 "Wow - just wow! I've done plenty of mindful breathing but Dr. Geraghty brought some new techniques that I hadn't done before. And I loved the color visualization - I've never done anything like that."

➡️ Download your copy today! https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/offers/5JopuvWm/checkout


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Podcast Guest of KevinMD: "Eating disorder myths debunked" eating disorders healthcare medicalgaslighting mental health Jun 14, 2022

“When people think of eating disorders, the image is often of an emaciated, white teenage girl in the hospital hooked up to feeding tubes. In fact, eating disorders are varied in how they present in a person, and they certainly do not ‘look’ a certain way.

Eating disorders occur in all cultures, ...

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I am excited to be a guest on 3 podcasts today! chronic illness chronic migraine chronic pain eating disorders healthcareprofessionals mental health migraine parenting parents psychologist Jun 03, 2022

I am excited to be a guest on 3 podcasts today covering:

☆ Eating disorder myths (for now, check out my program, The Ultimate Eating Disorders Bootcamp for Parents https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/opt-in)
☆ How we feel when medications fail us
☆ What to do when we are stuck in bed with pain


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It's World Eating Disorders Action Day. eating disorders mental health pandemic Jun 02, 2022
🌍 It's World Eating Disorders Action Day. 
🔊 One thing parents need to know is they are not alone when it comes to figuring out eating disorder treatment. I’m here to help.
👀 Check out this FREE webinar on how you can become a critical force in your adolescent or young adult’s eating di...
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Honored to be featured in Rare Revolution Magazine! chronic illness chronic migraine chronic pain disabled life mental health psychologist rare disease May 11, 2022

Dr. Melissa Geraghty Psy.D of Phoenix Rising with Dr. G

11 May 2022

Drawing on her own experience of rare disease Dr Melissa Geraghty is on a mission to provide mental health support to those with chronic illness and pain to ensure no one feels alone on their RARE journey.

RARE entrepreneur ser...

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Mindful Moments: Get your own mindfulness recordings by Dr. Geraghty! meditation mental health mindfulness program Apr 16, 2022
Get your own mindfulness recordings by Dr. Geraghty with the click of a button.
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